Adding channels like groups

Why can't I add channels like groups on my congo faders? I am able to add consecutively groups after selecting a #group then keeping my finger down on "group" as I push down faders 1 to 10. This is a great option but for some reason when I try this with channels I just get the same channel on faders 1 to 10 instead of it going from channel 1 to 10. Is there a reason for this? 


I hope I explained myself correctly.




  • The CH & Master command works slightly different. You can select any number of channels using the normal selection commands and assign them in one go to consequtive masters by pressing CH & Master (for the first master you want to assign). Note that there should be no channel number entered before this command since this will only load the specified channel, not the selected channels.

    Does that work for you?

  • Ya that works just fine! Although I still think you should be able to assign channels like you can with groups. If you only need to add 5 channels for example. Its a lot faster adding them like you would with groups then having to select your channels on the live screen with your mouse or entering 1-THRU-5-CH/ID. Is there a reason for why it was done that way?


    Thank you for your quick reply.



  • Ya that works just fine! Although I still think you should be able to assign channels like you can with groups. If you only need to add 5 channels for example. Its a lot faster adding them like you would with groups then having to select your channels on the live screen with your mouse or entering 1-THRU-5-CH/ID. Is there a reason for why it was done that way?


    Thank you for your quick reply.


