Main Playback problem

Main Playback problem

Since the new update v6.2.1 yesterday was the first chance we've had to use the main playback.
I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the new update or that I might of changed something
 in the settings but I don't seem to be able to use the goto and GO Functions. For example if I do
26 goto, it doesn't call my cue it just places it into column B. If I press GO it will go through all my
 memories without sending any intensities to my lighting fixtures. Another thing that I've never seen
 before is these dash lines ----- in the In and Out times that appear even after I've entered an in IN &
 OUT time. The only way I can call my cues with all the intensities is by using the crossfade or
SEQ- & SEQ+.

I hope I've explained myself correctly. This is a problem I really need to get resolved before opening
 night on Friday.

Thank you very much for your time and I hope you guys can help me resolve this problem.

  • Hi Jeremy,

    The ----- lines that you are seeing might explain what is happening. These indicates that crossfade times have been slowed down to a complete halt. It is as if the spring-loaded speed control wheels of the playback have been pulled down to their bottom position. Can you check if something happened to these?

  • Ive just checked and the speed control wheels are in there normal positions. When I pull the wheels down the in and out goes to about 59 minutes and when I push them the opposite way the time starts at around 20 minutes and goes down to around 3 minutes IN n OUT. The IN n OUT default time is at 0 and if i change that time I still have the same problem. On my live channel screen it shows me what channels are coming in and out with the green and blue arrows but im not getting any intensities if I use the GO button.

  • When are the times displayed as ----- ? From your description, it sounds like you are getting a time display when you move the speed control wheels. Do the ----- indicator go away in that case?

    When you updated to 6.2.1, did you also update the face panel firmware?

  • The time display shows as ---- for the following cue in column B. I've just tried pushing the speed
     wheels forward without pressing GO witch actually sends my next cue but it takes about 3 minutes
     to complete the cue. So yes the ----- go away when I use the speed control wheel. If I release the
     speed wheels the ----- come back and it obviously stops the running of the cue at whatever intensity
     it's reached within those 3 minutes.

    I've updated version 6.2.1 and the face panel firmware. Would I be able to re install the version
     before 6.2.0? Just to try and see if the 2 recent updates have had any affect on the main playback.
  • The time display shows as ---- for the following cue in column B. I've just tried pushing the speed
     wheels forward without pressing GO witch actually sends my next cue but it takes about 3 minutes
     to complete the cue. So yes the ----- go away when I use the speed control wheel. If I release the
     speed wheels the ----- come back and it obviously stops the running of the cue at whatever intensity
     it's reached within those 3 minutes.

    I've updated version 6.2.1 and the face panel firmware. Would I be able to re install the version
     before 6.2.0? Just to try and see if the 2 recent updates have had any affect on the main playback.