how to save "custom" template on congo junior 6.2.1


I have made CMY template with five Dmx channel ( 1.amber

when I patched it everything works well but when I shut down ( after saving the show) and I reloaded the show all my template's parameters desappear.

how can I fixed that?

thanks for  this helpful forum.



  • Hi there -

    1) Did you save the show before shutting down?

    2) Congo does not necessarily like having parameter names appear twice on different DMX addresses on the same fixture. It would be better to create this template with the second red and blue named "Red2" and "Blue2".This can be done in the Parameter Definitions list (Browser>Patching>Settings and Tools>Parameter Definitions MODIFY, then scroll to the bottom of the list and press INSERT, arrow to the name cell, press MODIFY to unlock editing of the name, type Red2, then set the attribute category to COLOR (the default is Beam). Repeat from INSERT to add your Blue2 parameter name.)

    3) What fixture is this for (manufacturer and model name)? It seems odd to make a CMY fixture with Amber, Red and Blue parameters.

    Thanks much -


  • tanks for this quick reply.

    Yes i've saved the show before shutting down .

    That's not really a fixture but a group of asymmetric floods that iluminated a cyclorama.

    this is one solution I find to make quick manage of my cyclorama with color palette in live by pressing the masters' select button where the color palette is load.  ( idon't know if that is really clear).

    But I try tomorrow morning your solutiion .

    thanks a lot



  • Congo will remove any 'duplicate' parameters in a template, however it should always leave one of each - so the above template should have ended up being Amber, Red, Blue and two of "None".

    If you can't get it working tomorrow, if you attach a copy of the showfile or email it to "congo (at) etcconnect (dot) com" we can take a look at it.

  • ok I find a way to fixed it, I've readdressed my dimmers ( so simple).

    thank you for your help.

    But my boss want to buy some led wash robin led 600 (ROBE) , if the congo "do not like" duplicate parameters I would not be able to control all the led layers seperatly ( there is three RGBW  layers by fixtures). The only way is to patch one fixture in mode 5(extended mode) and then patch 3  generics rgbw mixer.

    Am I right?

    Thanks much




  • Hi Antoine -

    Yes, if you want to control separate cells or layers in RGB fixtures like the one you describe, the best way to do it is to patch each of the cells/layers separately. This lets you control them individually, apply effects individually, or use a GROUP to select all those layers together and control them at the same time.

    Thanks much -

