Augment3D Question/Feature Request

Is it or would it be possible for objects (a scenic unit, a chair, etc.) to be added/removed or visible/hidden via presets or another control method so that different locations within a show can be automatically recalled when moving through the cue stack and not have to be manually rebuilt? 

Parents Reply
  • My understanding was that camera positions and views could be stored in snapshots and object positions could be stored in cues with XYZ data. My question is more about toggling objects. Sure you could have objects positioned out of the view and then cue them into the correct place for that scene. Thinking about keeping the load on the GPU as light as possible it would be nice to be able to toggle items on and off without removing them entirely from the file or storing them in an out of sight location so that the desk doesn't have to render something that isn't currently relevant.

    I may also have just misunderstood what Lowell was saying and that is what he meant. 

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