Getting my ML profiles to produce colors!

My self-built Lixada Profile would not change colors in A3D as buttons were pressed while sACN viewer showed the correct values going to the Color channel.

A “Intimidator Spot LED 350 14Ch” was patched and its manual downloaded.

It behaved as it should in A3D changing colors as the ML buttons were pressed.
These ML buttons showed actual Colors (instead of the text in my Lixada profile: “Red”, “Green” etc.)
sACN viewer showed the right values going to Ch6 as the color buttons were pressed and the Live Table showed: “F1 Open”, “F2 Yellow”, “F3 . . . and so on.

In the Profile’s ‘Color Select’ parameter’s first mode the different color ranges are labelled “Open”, “Color 1”, “Color 2” and so on. I.E. different to what appears in the ML panel buttons!

I have gone over the Augment3d part of the new manual and find a lot of stuff about P&T, positioning, tools etc but can't find where/how the "Color 1" in the a profile puts an actual color into an ML button and the right beam color in Augment3d.

Clearly there is somewhere inside that I am missing.

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