Issue Getting Light Beam to Show in Augment3d


I work at an international school in Korea as the theater manager and we have a theater mostly full of Vello XP600's LED Moving Lights.  We just upgraded our ETC Ion board to EOS 3.0 and have been playing with Augment3d.

However, today I went in to patch one of our Vello XP-600's into the augment3d workspace and the light fixture shows up, however, there is no beam of light coming from said fixture on the augment3d screen when I turn it on.  The light turns on in our theater, but there is no beam of light showing up in the workspace for augment3d.

Could someone help with this?  Augment3d would be great to use with our students, however, if the majority of our lights don't seem to work with it, we may not be able to use it :(  I think I may just be missing a step maybe because they are movable lights instead of static lights?  I did patch one of our ellipsoidals in and it worked perfectly.  So could just be something I'm missing with the Vellos.

Thanks for any help or assistance you can give.



Parents Reply
  • Try this: save the showfile. Then: Blind, Cue Home Thru Enter (selects all cues), Chan 1 Enter (or whatever channel number you're using). And now simply tab the Shutter Open button in ML controls or wherever you you found it before.

    This will set the selected channel(s) to Shutter Open in all those cues. If you have cues in your show where those lights actually had a strobing strobe, you will have to exclude those cues from the cue range mentioned above.

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