Importing a capture file into augment 3d

Just wondering since there is a way to convert fixture data from a Vectorworks file to an Augment file. Is there any way to get a capture file to do the same thing?

  • vectorworks to augment3d happens separatly for the model and for the patch data. the model is exported through a regular 3d file format. with vectorworks it's usually dae, but could be any format that both the source application and augment3d support (for capture you could use dwg or glTF). the patch data however currently only comes across from vectorworks with the help of a vectorworks plugin.

  • vectorworks to augment3d happens separatly for the model and for the patch data. the model is exported through a regular 3d file format. with vectorworks it's usually dae, but could be any format that both the source application and augment3d support (for capture you could use dwg or glTF). the patch data however currently only comes across from vectorworks with the help of a vectorworks plugin.

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