Augment3d Feature request - Copy Object Function

Hi, Is it possible to add the feature to copy an object in Augment3d? For example we have a set built from standard 8' x 4' Steeldeck but for each piece of deck I have to import a table and then change the properties to be 8' by 4'. I have to repeat this each time, rather than select a table of the correct size and copy it.

I have found as a slight shortcut that importing many tables, selecting them all and then changing the size can speed things up.

So, please can I request a model be made for Steeldeck?!!

Request for generic more accurate models for Fresnels, flood lights, birdies etc.

Please can we have a model for the beam from a Parcan?

Another request - please can we get rid of the Scale function for an object. I can't see why anyone would want to "make my object on stage 1.4 times larger on the x axis" as opposed to "can my object be three feet wide". It just confuses as its another set of numbers to look at.

Is it possible to set the origin of an object not in the centre? This makes it  more to difficult to place objects, especially if you have a measured set design. I believe you can do this when importing from Vectorworks but not when creating objects in Augment3d?

If any of these things is possible already then apologies - please let me know how!

Thanks, Liam.
