Eos/Augment3D on Mac - app won't run after big Augment file opened

Hello All...

Eos 3.0.0b389 Mac off-line.

Opened a big showfile.

Opened the Augment3D tab, ran some cues.

This all worked file, though the Mac was clearly working really hard (quite high-spec iMac with fans roaring away at full, which I rarely hear).

Quit Eos - console app and shell app. Fans stopped as expected.

But then re-started Eos - shell app ran fine, but console app put up splash screen but then just sat there for about a minute. Force quit showed the app as not-responding. 

Second attempt, same thing.

Third attempt, it did run properly, though it felt quite 'slow' to get going.

It's possible that because it's a big showfile I just didn't wait long enough the first or second times, but the third go it opened in less time.

I've been opening and quitting this version regularly, but without opening an Augment3D tab so that feels like the differentiator here...

Would the log files help you, or would Eos not have got as far as logging anything if the app itself hadn't run?

