draging fixture onto an object (truss, pipe) it changes position xyz to world xyz data

Hi there, 

I have to draw fixtures manually from a vectorworks plan inside augmented, because it is 20 years old and fixtures where still made of lines and squares grouped together.

Anyway, it is a lot. So, I used the positions from the vectorworks plan and put it all in the augmented. But when I am draging my fixtures in the hieracy window on the right side into a truss, the position data changes to world data.

For example the fixture data is:

Position X: 13 Y: -1 Z:0

World: XYZ same

when I drag it onto the pipe it becomes:

Potition: X:20 Y:-6 Z:-28

World: X:13 Y:-1 Z:0

I understand that this could be helpful because the origin changed to the pipe but in my case it is a bit annoying. Because all measurements in the Vectorworks Plan is from the origin 0-0.

Is it possible to deactivate this?

Thanks in advance.

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