color source cyc beam in augmented

I am using color source cyc units as a ground row in A 3D, the beam shoots directly at the back wall and not up when placed on the floor. I checked the position and the fixture profile and all seems ok. Any thoughts?

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  • Hi Scott -

    We frequently mention that Augment3d is primarily a programming tool, making certain programatic tasks easier with 3D knowledge of your rig and space (e.g. XYZ fades, Track SEM Palettes, click-to-focus, Zones, etc.). And while photo-realism can help - as you might expect - visual-forward rendering like non-conical beams, object transparencies, incidental illumination, etc. can be quite taxing on a machine's processing power.

    With these two bits in mind, you'll understand why we are not currently pushing other feature development aside to focus on photo-realism. Even so, I do believe our photo-realism will continue to improve over time as our development tools naturally expand. But above all, we will focus on real-time programming and playback performance on our consoles - which means that even as we do bring photo-realistic tools to future development, we may require a tethered machine to access them.

    There are many fantastic visualization suites that do focus on photo-realism, read sACN input, and thus work fantastically with Eos. If you need assistance getting these programs to work with Eos, we're always happy to assist.

    Hope this helps!

  • Hi Nick,

    Thanks for your response.  I don't really understand all of your references to "photo realism" though.  Augment3D is referred to by ETC as a "visualization tool".  Knowing what things onstage will be lit and what things onstage will not be lit is a pretty basic part of visualization.  If the beam of the fixture is not correct then you cannot determine what will and what will not be lit. "Photo realism" makes it sound frivolous when in fact it is a fundamental function of a visualization tool.
