Can't install Vectorworks plugin v1.1.0


I am trying to install the Vectorworks plugin v 1.1.0. I am using Vectorworks 2020 SP3.1 under Windows 8.

When i restart Vectorworks after the install, i get an error message saying "incompatible Plugins":

Yes, i unpacked the outer .zip-file.

No, i didn't unpack the inner .zip-file.

Does anyone has the same issues. Any Ideas?

with best regards


Parents Reply
  • Hi ,

    The link that you provided is for the 1.0.0 version of the plug-in and should also work.

     - A few follow up questions:

    1.  Can you please share the build number of Vectorworks you are using? This can be found by going to the Help Menu>About Vectorworks
    2. Can you please enable "Send crash details and verbose usage patterns" in the Tools>Options>Vectorworks Preferences menu on the Session Tab:
    3. With the verbose logging enabled, can you repeat the installation of the plug-in and if it again fails and gives you the incompatible plug-ins message, can you please send us a copy of the "VW User Log" and "VW User Log Sent" from the {username}\AppData\Roaming\Nemetschek\Vectorworks\2020 folder saved after the message?
      1. You can use %AppData% as a shortcut to the AppData Folder
      2. If you don't wish to post those files publicly, feel free to PM me with them.