Inverted Fixtures

This subject has been written up before - the fixture appears in A3D with the yoke down. The answer is to ensure the latest profile has been loaded. I have 6 "Ridgeyard MH 12" on the bars and have load the latest profile during a mfg and search. But the behavior continues. to get these will shoot the beam down in A3D (through the yoke) but on stage the beam is pointing down as it should. The real problem is that trying to point straight down or going through a 0-290 tilt their is a wobble around the straight down position! I have inverted both pan and tilt on the fixtures though not sure if this hinders things. I do not have a lot of MH experience which is probably exacerbated by using el cheapo fixtures. My Bad!

Parents Reply
  • Using urlrieg's reference to "Hang Focus Offsets". I tried this but one has to enter the ML model and I could not find our Ridgeyards in the drop down. Can I assume then that we can only correct this upside problem in A3D with certain models (those in the list) or should we just put up with it? If I were to re-send my notes on the Ridgeyards could ETC make me a profile that we could use?

