objects as channel

I see this kind of thought was asked in the EOS public forum and because it was not released to the public the asker was directed to the open beta forum. I don't know how to view any of those posts now that A3D is released so please forgive me for asking here.

ETC has always been more theatrical based than concert based, however of course moving in great strides to that. As you know most theatres that have any kind of lamp; table lamp, chandelier, etc. run them from the console as a channel(s). Is there any talk about making any object in A3D that would be a lamp object in reality into a channel? Like in MS pretty much any object can be selected as to what the user wants it to be.

I know A3D is not designed or intended to be a full blown show visualizer and I know we can just use a par or something in the patch library to "represent" the item however it would be pretty cool to have those objects that represent lamps to be able to be assigned a channel in patch. They would not have to have specific intensity related to the actual object, nor would they need to be anything other than white or warm. They would give a better representation of what the object would look like lit in the show and would be a good indicator they are on and live should be showing something as well.

I would guess any object like that would have to be build as a fixture in the library where they get patched to a channel, but there could be a ETC Augmented 3D folder of fixtures to pick from in patch.

This didn't hit me until today when I replayed one of the videos about Objects and Aiming when a lamp was set on the stage. Surprised I didn't think to ask back when I watched it live.

  • Hi ,

    If I am reading your request correctly, there are practicals added in 3.0.1 in the fixture library that do emit light (like a desk lamp) that help with part of your request, but I think you are really asking for the ability to make any object in Augment3d light emitting? If that is the case, I would recommend that you vote for Custom object - Eos Family Feature Requests - Eos Family Consoles - ETC - Community in the feature request section.

  • I will check out the practicals. To answer your question I am not asking that any object be made into a light emitting object, only that objects in the library that would naturally have them, like a desk lamp, chandellier, etc. have them. That may already be the case. I can't wait to look them up.

  • Omni-directional sources such as the chandelier aren't included in 3.0.1's practicals selection.

    Another gotcha to be aware of, if you use the object from the library, it will just be a model of the object and is not light emitting. Instead, patch it as the fixture type in Eos patch for the fixture model to show and emit light.

  • Sorry that I made it sound like I was interested in chandeliers being included. I just used that as an example of an object that would be expected to emit light in reality and would certainly be something controlled by the lighting tech in a production. Should have used something better like a wall sconce. And isn't a desk lamp omni-directional?

    Regarding patching objects, I'm not sure how to do that. Is there an A3D object selection in patch or are there equivalent types of fixtures in the patch library generic like a desk lamp that can be patched?

    The more I think about this the more confused I get becasue whatever is showing light output in A3D certainly must be patched as it would in a show anyway, so picking an object in the model would not allow that unless there is a way to patch it in the model or in the show file.

  • Hi Jeff,

    No you don't patch objects that exist in your model. You patch fixtures just like any other fixture type in your rig. In this case, there is a new "manufacturer" called Practicals where you will find fixtures whose 3D models are practical fixture types (see Eos Fixtures with Augment3d Models - Electronic Theatre Controls Inc  for list).

    As for the desk lamp being omni-directional, for now, the beam is directed down below the shade.


    If it comes from the library window in Augment3d - not light emitting.
    If it comes from the fixture patch - light emitting.

  • Ah hah. That is very helpful. It is actually what I had asked about earlier; to have A3D stuff in patch that can show light output in the model. So I assume now it's only a matter of requesting certain objects to be added.

    Funny but when I read your first reply I opened up EOS A3D and tried to find desk lamp and other light emitting objects in the library but of course unsuccessful. So I then tried to find things in patch generic and laughed when I saw Chandelier as a choice.

    Again, I was not trying to get a Chandelier included, it was just an example but this hit my eyes and again laughed. So I patched it just to see what it it in A3D and it is simply a S4 Ellips. Too funny.

    I will now look into the Practicals. I am curious to see what they look like in A3D. Hopefully not just generic fixtures like Ellips but an actual fixture as named. Can't wait.

    Thanks again.

  • Ah hah. That is very helpful. It is actually what I had asked about earlier; to have A3D stuff in patch that can show light output in the model. So I assume now it's only a matter of requesting certain objects to be added.

    Funny but when I read your first reply I opened up EOS A3D and tried to find desk lamp and other light emitting objects in the library but of course unsuccessful. So I then tried to find things in patch generic and laughed when I saw Chandelier as a choice.

    Again, I was not trying to get a Chandelier included, it was just an example but this hit my eyes and again laughed. So I patched it just to see what it it in A3D and it is simply a S4 Ellips. Too funny.

    I will now look into the Practicals. I am curious to see what they look like in A3D. Hopefully not just generic fixtures like Ellips but an actual fixture as named. Can't wait.

    Thanks again.

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