moving objects from one A3D model to another

Is there any way to move an object(s) with all the attributes; scaling, position, etc. from on model to another; one show file to another?

Base stage layout used for different events which have different show files and different models with the same base look. So whenever I make a change(s) to one I have to make that/those changes to all the others that have those objects.

Example: let's say the venue does concerts with added lighting, effects, etc. Therefore the model changes based on patch which is an easy merge however what if something like the drums gets moved or resized or some change that will remain for the next ??? time period. There are a few show files and models, some of which might repeat for another event exactly as they are. Because the base model changed, that would mean editing each show file/model objects manually.

I hope I am asking this clearly. Not something I am good at. :-)

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