I already asked in the regular Eos forum, but since part of my problem relates to Augment3d, I will ask here as well:
I have 60 GLP Impression X4S fixtures recorded in my existing show. When I installed Eos v3.0 and started playing with Augment3d, I discovered that the built-in fixture profile includes the wrong Pan and Tilt ranges for the X4S fixture, so when I put the fixture at 90º tilt, the light is still pointing down at the floor at a 60º angle or so. In Augment3d, the model shows the fixture pointing straight ahead at 90º. No surprise there. (I've requested an updated fixture profile the main Eos forum.)
When I go into the fixture profile editor and correct the ranges, the fixture moves to a new position on stage, breaking all of my recorded Focus positions. I really don't care what degree value the console says the pan/tilt is at, as long as the light is pointing where I want it. So I'm wondering if there is some kind of workaround in Augment3d to scale or proportion the Pan and Tilt values to make the model match reality, even if the user value is incorrect.
Eos v3.0.2 / Fixture Library v3.0.1.2