transpher model from Augment3d App to Eos


I have/had a problem with transferring a pre-programmed model from the Augment3D app into EOS.

I am not sure this behaviour is caused by the many objects the model uses, but I have the feeling this is not the way it should work. It should at least produce a warning/error when I try to safe it as model or standard model...
Potentially I am not using Augmented3d as intentioned, but what to do if halve of the venue is like a circus-tent?

So much for a short description of my error, here the details –rather long-
I was asked to create a 3d EOS model for a renovated venue. I got a CAD-WysiWyg-glTF export from the company planning the venue (and I can’t really do anything about it). Unfortunately it contains every(!) Screw and what-not so a lot of work deleting stuff to get it working for Augment3d. As I wanted the complete monitor and use other screens as well I went directly to the Augment3d app.
When I got a simplified model it was time to put it into EOS and the troubles began.

The file was stored as model in the app and I could import the file as Vektorworks-model all right. But that only brought up the device-list (empty if u wonder, as I only created the venue itself).
The browser in the Augment3d-tab was empty, so I guess it does not load the objects into EOS-Augment3d (had a similar problem importing the original glIF into EOS with EOS 3.0.1/ solved with 3.0.2)
By the look of it the file contains all the information as they are listed in the files (opened with zip) and it works fine as long as I open it in the app.
Easy, just store the model as standard I thought, but well, it didn’t...

At my first attempt to create a post here I opened EOS to have a look at the version and forgot that Augment3d app was already opened. An error in EOS that another instance of Augment3d is already running ignored, the app and EOS synced and boom, problem solved...

Unfortunately saving as standard model now works fine even with the first, heavily overpopulated models so I can’t reproduce the error?

EOS:                3.0.2 Build2

hope this might help other with the same problem,

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