DMX camera control


Any ideas when this might become a reality? We are using the EVO workflow in D3 to overlay Augmented, and would love to be able to move both cameras together. On a similar note, is there any way to get the information on what the focal depth and field of view are on the Augmented camera, so that we can line it up more accurately?



  • Hi Katie-

    Below are my notes from the last time I did this. Some things may have changed since then (both for Eos & d3):

    To create a camera view patch any channel as a dimmer (channel 41 in this example) and give it a position. To control the position & rotation you then patch a "Scenic Element Moveable" (channel 42 in this example), and nest the dimmer inside the SEM in Augment3d.

    In d3, you need two OSC control layers for your camera - one for position, and one for orientation. Each with 3 variables: the respective X, Y, and Z values.

    The rotation value for X should have 90 added to it, as the light homes pointing straight down, while the d3 camera homes forward. You can either do this in d3 or Augment3d.

    After you do that, you can control the position and rotation of the light by sending the following OSC commands to Eos:



    OSC needs to be enabled on the Eos, and listening to the proper port. You also need to create a user 98 for these commands to be sent to.

    Eos will replace %1 with the first argument, %2 with the second, etc etc.

    You should be able to see light moving through space at this point, and can then select channel 41 with "Fixture POV Mode" enabled to align the camera views.

    The Augment3d camera has a 60 degree field of view, I do not have information about focal depth.

  • Thank you   for that excellent write-up.

    To answer the focal depth portion of the question: Currently Augment3d has no focal depth set as we are not using any depth of field visual effects presently (v1.0.0-1.2.0 at time of post).

  • Hi Both,

    Thanks for the camera POV info. I thought there was a camera fixture in the pipeline as well? We know about the fixture POV method, but its quite fiddly.



  • Hi Katie,

    We are not currently planning on having a camera control as a channel in Eos as there are issues with how that would function in a multi-user environment. See:  Augment3D Camera as Eos Channel

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