Pan/Tilt vs. XYZ - Opinions and experiences please:-)

hi folks. i need your experience and opinions on if we should or should not start using xyz values for presets etc. lets make it easy way, sort of a voting plus your thoughts:-)

a - keep your fingers away, its buggy

b - augment3d is stable enough to use it

some thoughts - i do love the idea to be able to toggle among the options of pan/tilt and xyz depending on if you you wonna mirror or if you need a light from other direction on that same spot, or something like - one would need only one xyz preset for different altitudes of a lamp and not at least 2 depending on the show (concidering the use of the movable elements in augment3d and saving it into the cues)...

but - there is one recent post

 Patch Nodes still appearing in Eos 

and me having it from time to time aswell. i wasnt able to track if its a version problem (i had it after updateing to 3.0.1 aswell and had to place the lamps again). my observation sofar - it kind a happens randomly, if i do not open a show file for a while, the patch knotes/nodes to appear and make a reletavie position of a lamp connected to a stage element into an absolut and independend from that stage object which makes the xyz presets useless. the translation from pan/tilt into xyz is essentially depending on augment3d position and precision of the model. if i would have to run a show with xyz presets etc. and the problem appears i would be... thanks in advance and best regards:-D
