A3D Pan/Tilt bug?

Okay this one is a lot of steps to re-create but i can recreate it.

So I hung a light in A3D. It's natural orientation was when I tilted positive the light moved US, when I panned positive, the light moved counter-clockwise. We inverted pan, because the designer requested the light to move clockwise when panning positive.

After this, we wrote focus points and cues all, with XYZ data.

Then we hung the light in the space a week later. It was hung 180 degrees from how the light was oriented in A3D. However we couldn't just invert pan/tilt because that would also invert pan and tilt to the unit in A3D (aka A3D pan/tilt would not match real life pan/tilt). So we rotated the orientation of the light in A3D (rotated 180° around the z-axis in patch)...... but now positive tilt moved DS (in both real life and A3D) so we inverted Tilt.

We originally thought we would have to reset all of the focus points, but because we used XYZ data.... everything pointed in A3D and real life where we had set it.

Let's assume this mover is at (0, 0, +15) and focus palette 1 is at (+10, +10, +5) and in grey pan/tilt is [+45,+45]. (Also note: this focus palette was created BEFORE orientation was rotated 180° and BEFORE tilt was inverted)

When I put the mover at focus palette 1, it goes to the correct position(+10, +10, +5) and pan/tilt [+45,+45] are all displayed.... but the moment I touch the encoders to move pan/tilt the light moves to where the old pan/tilt position would have been if saved with pan/tilt [+45,-45] instead of xyz.

So upon further investigating two issues seem to be at play:

1) It seems like when I rotated the orientation (which affects the position of the light) A3D updated my focus palette pan/tilt info accordingly but when I inverted tilt (which also affects the position of the light) it did not update my focus palettes pan/tilt data.

2) When I put the mover at FP1, it recalled called the right xyz data, and ignored the incorrect pan/tilt data saved in the FP1 (so it displayed the new calculated data) but as soon as the pan/tilt data encoders move, it reverts to the saved pan/tilt data and moves off of that data instead.

Theoretically I can understand this all being technically what is supposed to happen, but having my light swing across stage everytime we moved felt very wrong. At the very lest, inverting pan/tilt should update the focus palettes?
