Change origin of object?

Hi all,

I don't think this is an actual EOS Augment3d bug but an issue with my object model. But I thought I would throw it out here and see if anyone has ideas on the easiest way to solve this.

I have a show (theatre and set) that was originally built in Sketchup. Both were imported fine into Augment3d last summer when the Beta first came out. I have been playing with it on and off for the last year to learn both Augment3d, and prepare for the eventual ability to mount this show again. A couple of the objects I imported, when dropped into Augment3d, do not translate their motion the way I want them to using Movable Scenic Elements (channels). Their origin seems to be set to one of the 4 corners.

Is there a way, in Augment3d, to change an object's origin point? Or is that something I must do it Sketchup/VWX? I would like to be able to change the origin point to a different corner as the objects will rotate on a corner, not a center origin.

Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.



Parents Reply
  • Yeah, I had a feeling part of my problem was the origin created in Sketchup. So I am going to correct that part of the problem first. But one of the other problems I have noticed is that I cannot move the Movable Scenic Element's position. Whenever I do, it always homes itself back to the origin after I click SAVE. Will try both again later tonight and see if it fixes my problem. Thanks for the suggestion.

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