Sketch-up dae collada model problem

Hi everyone 

Wondering if anyone could help me. I made a sketch-up drawing of a theatre. Exported this to Collada file. In this file all the colours of the walls look right.

When i import the file into Augmented however, the colours change.

The left side of the proscenium is brown -- instead of black.

In the auditorium one wall panel is also a different colour than all the rest, again no idea why.

Any ideas, thanks!! 

Parents Reply
  • hello, with eos  3.1 upgrade, things go rather well importing straight skp format, so can i ask why you pass through collada export? Do you have special textures? (the only one thing that is still a problem for me importing straight skp file in eos is "home made" textures which are replaced by approximative looking like colors)). and if i might again, don't you have any inversed X Y Z parametre in the augmented inspector using collada?
