v3.1.1 bug in nested SME position

Hello, i have a venue already existing in augmented. i created one SME per pipe. and i want my SME to get same X and Z origins as pipes, i first nest SME inside pipes. Then i set X and Z position to 0. Then i put SME out and nest pipes inside. that's how i usually proceed . this allows me to nest my channels in the SME, as the pipe. doing that my channels refeer to Y position 0, centre of stage. was long to describe, plus my english may be approximative, sorry. 

fact is that when i move a sme in a pipe, in augmented inspector,  the SME sometimes still indicates 0 for XYZ in the position field, whatever my pipe's position, and i don't get why.  Is this a normal behavior that SME is sometimes not refeering to its parent?

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