Augment3d position data overwriting Patch text field.

In my show file I use the text fields in Patch for a variety of things, one of which is position. This refers to named positions in the theatre (such as FOH1, 1st Electric, etc.) This info comes from a Lightwright import.

I have imported fixture positions from Vectorworks and manually entered position data for a number of fixtures in my current show. These positions are, of course, locations of fixtures in 3D space, not the named positions mentioned above.

I now find that the Position text field in the Database tab of Patch is filled with long strings of numbers, such as 6 30233|6 02872|11 5824.

My original position names are overwritten with these numbers, so that information is lost. I suspect this has something to do with the VW Spotlight Augment3d plug-in.

Is there a way I can merge Augment3d data, including edge, gobo, and shutters, without overwriting text fields in the Database tab?

