XYZ: move a fixture who'se presets got recorded with XYZ

Hi, working on a show with some fixture misplaced in augmented.

Presets were recorded in XYZ mode, with the wrong fixtures positions.

So I had to move fixtures in aug without changing their focus in real. The way i found was to make a macro  to re record the presets switching from XYZ to PAN/TILT, then i moved my fixtures in augmented.

Sad thing is when i re record psts in PAN/TILT mode, eos looses Z values. So, i can't rererecord in XYZ mode when fixtures moved. If i want to keep XYZ mode for the tour coming, i have to do presets again to increment right XYZ value. Is there a way to move fixtures recorded in XYZ mode without changing pan-tilt values (to "lock" pan tilt for time to reposition fixtures) and without loosing XYZ interest? I guess it can't be solved.

As always, hope i was clear enough

  • Are you moving the fixtures, the target or both?

    XYZ mode aims your fixtures at a specific point-in-space and will keep the beam passing through that location on stage.

    When you move the fixtures to a different place, XYZ mode ensures that their beam still hits the same place on the stage.
    - Including if the fixture on a truss or scenery that moves around between or during cues.


    If the object they are supposed to light has not moved, then do nothing.
    No matter where you move the fixtures, they will point their beams to that same XYZ location.

    If you need to move the target, update the XYZ target location in the presets/palettes.
    You can either +/- relative to the old target position, or re-record the new absolute position.

    Eg if the target has moved 2m to stage left, just add 2m to the X Focus: Chan 1 X Focus +2

  • Works perfect! In my case, as 2 fixtures had to move y -1.1, i first moved them in augmented, then created a little macro ( select,last y focus + -1.1), and was very fast to modify straight in the blind presets. Thanks

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