MVR Import

Hello Gang,

We're having a day of exploring getting things into Augment3D here at the lovely Glyndebourne Opera

We have a lighting plan in Vectorworks (2023 SP2, and actually we've also updated to SP4 and the same thing happens).

We export it as an MVR.

That MVR will import correctly into Capture

If we import it into Eos, the correct position values appear in the console but as fixture labels ( so we see -5.9415 | 2.12477 | 10,4242) rather than appearing in the Augment3D XYZ position fields - the | character separates the X-Y-Z values.

Because there is still no position data in the XYZ fields, in Augment the lights all appear as a big pile on the floor (though interestingly this does mean that SOME data has populated the Aug3D position fields in order for them to appear in Aug3D -  - they all show position (0,0,0) but do have distinct Z orientation values.

If we take the (correct) Capture file, export that as an MVR, import it into Eos, the same thing happens....

It feels like there's an export setting (except there don't really seem to be any) or import setting (though we've tried adjusting with these) that we have wrong since others seem to be doing this successfully.

Clues welcome...



Parents Reply
  • Here's a workflow from blank documents - can you tell me what I'm doing wrong in VW2023 and EOS 3.2?

    VW - new document, add Proteus Lucius

    VW - give light x,y,z values, attach GDTF from GDTF Share, select extended mode, give a channel value.

    VW - export MVR

    EOS - import MVR, map fixture to correct personality

    Augment3d - fixture does not appear, no x,y,z values have been imported

    Very simply, this worked with the 2022 plugin - and now does not. Can someone describe the process so that I can successfully import into EOS Augment3d? It used to work, and now it does not as far as I can tell - I'm absolutely open to not doing it correctly, and eagerly wait for the step that I'm missing. Thanks again.
