Scenery Changes for Scenes and Acts

I have a production in three acts with two scenes in each. What's the best way to change the model in Augment3D for each act and scene and save it in one showfile?

At the moment I'm having to make one showfile for each scene (that is six of them for one production) and, load each one during the scene change on stage - I can see a high risk of error for the operators!


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  • Ah! There is a problem! I should have thought about this - it's obvious!

    Whilst I've got multiple 3D models loaded in A3d at different "origins" (one for each scene) which I can select the right view for using the Camera Bookmarks, only the first one (at (0,0,0)) has the lanterns and fixtures in the right places.

    The patch can only store one position (makes sense - lanterns can't be in two places at once [even though I'm expected to be]).

    So I'm back to square one. I may have to load all the models over one another and make all of them invisible except the scene we're in. This will mean board ops going into the A3d editor and selecting which models they need on and off in the hierarchy window. This is a recipe for disaster!

    I wonder if the Developers are thinking about being able to handle multiple acts and scenes in the A3d environment. It's one of the only things the fantastic app lacks.


  • In this case you want the other method  mentioned in his answer.

    Go to patch and add new channels of type Scenic Element. Those will be dummy channel, not controlling stuff in real life but rather your scenery. for 3 acts with two different sets each you will need 6 of them, e.g. 1001 through 1006.

    Now head over to Augment3d Edit mode and in the Hierarchy tab take each scene's model and drag-and-drop it on one of the Scenic Element channels (they're somewhere in the hierarchy list as well). You should see that the model is now nested within the channel. When you're done, exit edit mode.

    In Live channels 1001 to 1006 now represent each scene's scenery. When the channels are at 100% you will see the scenery, when at 0 it's hidden. Like this you can store which scenery is supposed to be visible in your cues.

    Does that help?

  • Yes! It does help and I shall try it forthwith!

    Thanks so much for your continuing help. EOS and its support are remarkable!

