Channels using Tracked SEM Focus Palettes in different Cue Lists

So not sure if this is a bug or intended behavior.... which is why I'm asking on here.

Here's the setup.

Turntable Object is SEM Ch 2002

Model/Actor is SEM Ch 2001 (nested to 2002, so Actor can move around the stage independently, but if turntable moves actor will move with it)

Focus Palette 2001 is Track SEM locked to ch 2001 (Actor)

4 Movers are over turn table (ch 911 thru 914).

Original plan.

I wanted to control the lights in cue list 1/ and control turntable & actor SEM movement in cue list 2/. Reason being the turn table moves are complicated and require ramp up and ramp down speeds that I wanted to control out of my main cue list. 

Cue 1/62.5 turns the movers on, assigns them to FP 2001 and executes Cue 2/49 which sets the actor in the starting position on the turn table.

Cue 1/62.7 has no change to the movers or SEM Channels, but executes Cue 2/50 which start the turntable moving over roughly 23 seconds.

THIS ALL WORKS GREAT! and the movers follow the actor around the turntable seamlessly.

The issue comes into play as Cue 1/62.7 has a 22 second follow to fire Cue 1/62.71 which take the movers intensity down to zero before the movement completes. Whenever this cue (1/62.71) is fired, the movers flip and no matter what I do in cue list 1, any modification to the intensity in the cue flips the lights.

It feels like what is happening is that when I trigger cue list 2/ to move the SEMs, even though cue list 1/ made the parameter change to assign the movers to FP 2001, that cue list 2/ is in control of the movers while they are moving. So when I make the change to intensity in cue list 1/ it's pulling control back to cue list 1/ and recalculating the focus point, and the most efficient XYZ position is a flipped version of what it is at previously, so it does a flip.

If that theory was correct, I guessed that if I changed the intensity in cue list 2/ instead I wouldn't have that issue and that's exactly what happens.

While I understand this, and it may be expected behavior, it seems problematic as it seems like it would be common practice to separate SEM movement into a separate cue list, and if every time intensity or some other Parameter made a change to the light from another cue list, it recalculates position (and potentially flips) it makes this feature way less useful. Especially since the original intention was to have the Motor software send OSC messages to trigger cue list 2/.

As stated before the current workaround is just to change the intensity in cue list 2/ instead... but that defeats the purpose of having a separate cue list.
