Zoom issue with "Chauvet Maverick Force 1 Spot"

I have a "Chauvet Maverick Force 1 Spot" patched in my showfile.  I've programmed most of the show with A3D, but when I look in the theater, the zoom is off.  It appears that the zoom is backward in the setup for the fixture. 

What should I change to fix it?  I think the min-max numbers should be degrees for A3D to use and the DMX numbers for the fixture to use.  That means my show as programmed is correct, but the DMX conversion for the fixture is incorrect.  I changed it from min-max of 0-65535 to 65535-0 and nothing changes in the show.  When I ran through some cues at the theater, I adjusted the zoom to be correct, so the showfile has the DMX data backward.  (It seemed odd to me that zoom-max was the smallest circle and zoom-min the biggest, but I just figured that's how it worked.)  Now that I'm looking at the showfile and the fixture, it appears the DMX values should be switched. 

My question is how can I change the input to produce the same DMX output that worked if I correct the fixture as described.  Let's say I set zoom at 7 degrees, but to get the beam that small in the theater, I had to set zoom at 50 degrees.  I know the output is correct, but the input is backward.  Once I go back to the theater, I can refocus the zoom and it will be fine.  Is is possible to swap the numbers somehow so I don't need to refocus in the theater?

p.s. the fixture definition shows zoom range 6.8-55.9, but the data sheet shows 6.3-54.4.  Don't know if this matters.

Fixture library
Version 3.2.9 Build 16

  • First of all: There are indeed fixture manufacturers that use a DMX value of 0 for zoom maximum and 255 or 65535 for the zoom minimum.

    I changed it from min-max of 0-65535 to 65535-0 and nothing changes in the show.

    When you say nothing changed, where were you looking? Did A3d still look the same, did the stage still look the same, did DMX output still look the same? Did you do a GoToCue after having edited the fixture profile?

    I think what happened to you was a result of Preserve Native. When changing the fixture profile the state of Preserve Native decides if the DMX values should stay the same but the display values (i.e. the degree value) should change, or if the degrees should change but the DMX values stay put.

    No matter what the state of Preserve Native was, if you changed the DMX min/max from 0-65535 to 65535-0, performed a GoToCue command and then looked both at Augment3d and real life stage you will see a difference. Preserve Native decides if you'll see the change on stage or in A3d.

    Does that help?

  • Changing the DMX values means nothing changes in the A3D model; the stage outputs are reversed.  I hadn't been familiar with Preserve Native, but it looks like it does exactly what I want.  Preserve Native is/was disabled in my patch, thus changing the DMX range would change stage, not A3D.  Looks like enabling it to make the changes would have fixed my problem.

