When I first hung several MLs they pointed straight down on startup (tilt = 0). But turning the tilt encoder to the right caused the beam to move downstage left (about 120 deg). I've been handling this by pulling the pan around, so the tilt causes the beam to move up and downstage. IE the yoke ends up parallel to stage edge. I do this for all MLs and then record a 'startup' cue to set their yokes. This has worked fine. But! I'm now trying to use A3D to pull beams around to spots on the stage. That's where thing fall apart. I've spent a lot of time in the A3D section of Patch and tried making changes to the Z axis orientation but can't get the beams in the A3D window to behave anything like the beams on stage.
Is there some magic formula here or at least extra instructions to help? I've tethered a nice, large screen, laptop to the ELE2 and can see the beams moving around very well. Just not where I want them.