Ion running 2.3 beta triggering QLab with OSC


I'm trying to get Ion running the 2.3 beta triggering cues in QLab via OSC and I'm having a bit of trouble. I know most trigger the Ion with QLab but I want to do it the other way around to keep our kids in front of a console.

Ion shell settings:  port 2 IP address is subnet 255.255..0.0. AVAB UDP selected. UDP Strings and OSC selected. DHCP service is reading same IP address and subnet mask as laptop. OSC TCP format for OSC 1.1 SLIP. 

Laptop network settings: IP address: subnet

I pinged the laptops IP address from the network settings in the shell and got steady replies

In show settings/show control: OSC TX IP address: (same as laptop) OSC TX Port: 53000 OSC RX port: 53001

QLab OSC settings: patch 1: Ion IP port 53000

How off am I? What do I need to do? 

Thank again

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