Touch osc video turorial

Is someone going to do a video tutorial on how to set up OCS with TouchOSC or Lemur to control Eos software as the instructions manual is unclear as to do this.

I get putting eos/<user>/<number> but anything after that gets complicated and I can't get it to talk to the console is proving problematic.

  • i think there are two different issues, is that correct? one is to know all the keywords, the second one is how to find all possible keywords.

    my connection checklist (there are other ways to get it talking, this is just one way):
    - ip-addresses of both console (or nomad) and tablet are in the same subnet (subnet mask)
    -ping possible?
    -eos software version or later?
    -touchOSC incoming and outgoing port match the TX and RX port in eos setup? (TouchOSC's incoming = Eos's TX)
    -OSC TX ip-address in eos setup is the tablet's ip?
    -the osc TX and RX ports are different from the UDP ports in eos setup?
    -String RX and TX enabled in eos setup?
    -UDP&OSC activated in eos shell?
    -host ip-address in touchOSC matches the console's (or nomad's) ip-address?

    the list of possible OSC syntax can be found in the Eos Family Show Control User Guide revB which can be downloaded from all eos family product pages.
    is there something concrete you're having trouble with?
  • i think there are two different issues, is that correct? one is to know all the keywords, the second one is how to find all possible keywords.

    my connection checklist (there are other ways to get it talking, this is just one way):
    - ip-addresses of both console (or nomad) and tablet are in the same subnet (subnet mask)
    -ping possible?
    -eos software version or later?
    -touchOSC incoming and outgoing port match the TX and RX port in eos setup? (TouchOSC's incoming = Eos's TX)
    -OSC TX ip-address in eos setup is the tablet's ip?
    -the osc TX and RX ports are different from the UDP ports in eos setup?
    -String RX and TX enabled in eos setup?
    -UDP&OSC activated in eos shell?
    -host ip-address in touchOSC matches the console's (or nomad's) ip-address?

    the list of possible OSC syntax can be found in the Eos Family Show Control User Guide revB which can be downloaded from all eos family product pages.
    is there something concrete you're having trouble with?