OSC Router issue?

I think I'm having an issue with OSC Router.

It seems like OSC Router isn't consistently sending commands to QLab (or properly routing) unless it's in the foreground.

Eventually, OSC Router stops routing until I pull it into the foreground, then it sends all the OSC signals that it didn't send... at once.

Anyone have any ideas?

  • Now that you mention it, that is how mine is behaving as well. I thought I didn't have something set up correctly; I set it up just as outlined in the thread where I found the router app. When the OSC router is not in the foreground, it does not work consistently. Sometimes it stops, then when I bring it back to the foreground, it will send all commands.
  • Now that you mention it, that is how mine is behaving as well. I thought I didn't have something set up correctly; I set it up just as outlined in the thread where I found the router app. When the OSC router is not in the foreground, it does not work consistently. Sometimes it stops, then when I bring it back to the foreground, it will send all commands.
  • EDITED: The current version of OSCRouter fixes the issues described in this thread.

    The current theory is that OS X is putting OSCRouter into an "App Nap" state when it is not the foreground application.  You can confirm this by watching Activity Monitor (you may have to right click on the display columns to show the App Nap column).  Chris knows about this, so we should get an update to OSCRouter soon that declines the App Nap feature.

    In the meantime, you can google about for ways to disable App Nap system-wide (though I believe the Terminal command necessary to do this will get reset back to default on reset, so beware), or just leave OSCRouter as the foreground application.

  • Thanks Paul,

    Unfortunately keeping OSCRouter in the foreground is not an option so I hope Chris can get to this soon. Had to abandon OSC during tech and setup a MSC line.

    Will play around with disabling App Nap.