streaming channel levels/output over OSC

I am looking through the available documentation but can't currently see any way of polling for the current output level of a channel, or requesting a full list of levels for a given set of parameters (all over OSC) - is this possible?

I note that in the integration guide it notes that the address of the intensity is "useful for monitoring streaming output to see live levels" however I don't see any way to actually view this streaming output, when running cues etc only the active cue appears to be broadcast.

Is there any other documentation that I am missing (have found the integration guide and show control user guide)



  • You could use that to request info about each channel but you would be getting a lot more info than you probably want. If you select the channel live you get less info and it includes the level fairly early in the list. You could run through all the channels and store the values locally in a program to build a "live level" display but it would be sending a lot of info and I'm not sure of the repercussions of selecting channels as their values are changing/being changed live. I would probably be best done as a user that does not exist on any console being used on the system so it doesn't interfere with anyone working......If you select a channel that has other attributes they are sent out with the formatting /eos/out/active/wheel/x....
  • You could use that to request info about each channel but you would be getting a lot more info than you probably want. If you select the channel live you get less info and it includes the level fairly early in the list. You could run through all the channels and store the values locally in a program to build a "live level" display but it would be sending a lot of info and I'm not sure of the repercussions of selecting channels as their values are changing/being changed live. I would probably be best done as a user that does not exist on any console being used on the system so it doesn't interfere with anyone working......If you select a channel that has other attributes they are sent out with the formatting /eos/out/active/wheel/x....
  • hmm, I can't see a neat way just to get the level by selecting the channel - and this seems a bit of a hacky way to do it. I've been looking at /eos/get/patch/x however this doesn't appear to return the current level of the channel (at least not in nomad) - when running in offline mode I get the level as '-1' while in client mode it's appearing as 0. Which is all a bit odd
  • If you look at the integration document there is a bunch of other info included in the packet.  The console doesn't show it all on the diagnostic tab.  TouchOSC can't see it all because it only looks at the first argument on packets.  

    If you select a channel the /eos/out/active/chan will give you info on the name, type, level, patch info of the selected channel.  This is less information than the /eos/get/patch so it is a little bit easier to parse for me.  

    I would love for there to be a way to ask for channel levels only on a series of channels but currently that does not exist.  I think the first pass on OSC integration has been very successful and has certainly opened up an amazing level of control not available before. 

  • Hmm, I must be doing something wrong - I'm using the EosSyncDemo app to play around with OSC,

    by sending /eos/newcmd/chan/1 amongst the output I get:

    [ 1:11:09 ] [OSC Packet] /eos/out/active/chan, 1 [40] Generic Dimmer @ 15(s)

    Which makes sense, as channel 1 is at 40 (in red)

    similarly for /eos/newcmd/chan/2 I get

    [ 1:11:31 ] [OSC Packet] /eos/out/active/chan, 2 [0] Generic Dimmer @ 2(s)

    Which is correct as the channel is out (or at zero, I don't think there is differentiation)

    However for /eos/newcmd/chan/3 I get

    [ 1:11:56 ] [OSC Packet] /eos/out/active/chan, 3 [100] Generic Dimmer @ 21(s)

    Which is odd, as the channel is outputting at 75% (controlled by a sub), while this output would suggest the output is 100%

    Am I missing something?