/eos/out ??

Hi There,

In the Eos Family Control User guide the paragraph for Explicit Output is very short - can anyone explain better? English is not my first language so I just don't understand it.

Implicit Output works a little bit better for me - are the outputs all I can get from the console?

Plus there ist the EOS OSC Keys.pdf - but without explanation what the keys do or wether they go in or come out of the console...



  • Hi Orlando,

    Explicit OSC output is a way to send specific commands to another device.  You must manually enter the OSC command you want to send into a cue or magic sheet object.  To enter it into a cue, type [Cue][Execute]{String} and type in the command.

    For example, if you want Eos Cue 5 to trigger Cue 1 in your Qlab computer, you would type: [Cue][5][Execute]{String} /cue/1/fire [Enter]

    I hope that helps,

  • Hi Orlando,

    Explicit OSC output is a way to send specific commands to another device.  You must manually enter the OSC command you want to send into a cue or magic sheet object.  To enter it into a cue, type [Cue][Execute]{String} and type in the command.

    For example, if you want Eos Cue 5 to trigger Cue 1 in your Qlab computer, you would type: [Cue][5][Execute]{String} /cue/1/fire [Enter]

    I hope that helps,
