Feature Request TC Learning


I have already spoken to tech support London about this challenge. I wanted to know if I was missing something.

Setup: LX EOS (Backup), Video GIO (Client), RPU (Primary). MTC from sound to show control gateway.

Both me and the LX programmer would like to learn timestamps from the same TC source to two different event lists that trigger our two different cue lists (Lx & Video). The problem we have is that when we are both learning on our own event lists the timestamps are appearing in each others lists. They are targeted to the right cues just all bundled in together. We have also had only one console learning and it will still pickup GOs from the other console who are just moving about cues.

So really we need to be able to partition for lack of a better word the TC learn feature and the event lists.......

One possible solution although I think this may cause problems with timings would be to take a second MTC feed from sound (identical to the original one) and connect it directly to my GIO and learn from a different source to the LX desk.


