Art-net communication with Unison controller?

Is it possible for a Unison architectural controller that is connected to two ETC Sensor SR48+  dimmer racks to be controlled through an Art-net feed from another controller?


  • Hi,

    We'll need a bit more detail on what you are trying to achieve to help you out here.

    The immediate answer is no, because Unison does not support Art-net. BUT if you can expand on what you are trying to do we may be able to suggest other solutions.

    Is this a Unison Legacy system or Unison Paradigm?

    As you've posted in the Eos Family Show Control Forum, is there an Eos family console involved? Eos, Unison Paradigm and Sensor+ all support sACN, so that could be an option instead of Art-net.

    Are you looking to trigger functions of the Unison system from another controller, or simply send it DMX over Ethernet (Art-net or sACN) and pass it out as DMX?

    Or something else entirely? Either way, there may be options if you can tell us more about the system.

