[Nomad] Local OSC-Output?

Heyho, at the moment i am trying to talk to my nomad using  the Bespoke-Library for .NET. I get my Programm already connected to the nomad via the port 3032 and nomad also answers onto my ping. But here my programm wont listen. I am not shure as i am still quite confused of how to prepare the setup properbly as i am not sure about the difference of String and OSC, wich seems quite similiar. I supposed the the nomad will send the messages back to the connected Client, but i cannot hear a thing.

Also there seems to be no support for localhost or as i got it once running using UDP with the local IP adress written out.

It is not a problem of my test-programm itself sofar as it is walking, with it self, but via OSC..

So my questions;

What is the difference between OSC ans String?

Where does OSC-Messages via TCP get sent (Port and Adress)?

Is there Support for "localhost" or "127.0.01"?

Best reagrds, Wieland

  • I'm not familiar with Bespoke-Library for .NET but have done a lot of OSC work with the Eos line.  

    First off in the Nomad software you want to open Tab 99 and click the boxes to show OSC in and out.  This will give you a window into what the console is receiving and transmitting as far as OSC commands are concerned.  

    If you are transmitting to port 3032 you should be using a TCP connection.  If you connect to 3032 the console will reply on the same TCP connection/port.  

    The difference between string and OSC is this

    String is UDP Strings.  These are like the serial interface but using simple UDP packets.

    OSC has two flavors with Eos.  you can use UDP in which case you have to setup the appropriate port choices and ip addresses in the show control tab of setup or you can use TCP and connect to port 3032.  

    The whole "Localhost" issue depends on what operating system you are operating on.  You can spoof it and tell the software the real ip address of the device or on some systems you can use 127...

    I would suggest downloading OSCrouter from ETC's github and maybe take a poke with TouchOSC to get a better understanding of OSC in general.
