What are some cool things you have done with OSC?

I currently use an ETC Nomad setup, so I'm loving the OSC integration. I'm curious to see what out people have come up with in their OSC layouts. 

Something I'm currently working on is mimicking the Magic Sheets I have setup on my Console window. 

  • I've done many OSC Layouts for TouchOSC and Lemur which have been incorporated into an app.  OSCrfr which is currently out for android and in testing for iOS.  

    I also build custom hardware interfaces using OSC for encoders, faders, buttons etc.  

    OSC is a great interface for low overhead network control of the Eos consoles.  

    Magic sheets are a difficult one.  You can certainly mimic some of the functions there are still many that you can not.  OSC is not a realtime channel display interface so you can't expect it to fill a screen with levels in realtime.  

  • ok, so I a questions for you. using TouchOSC

    How do I select a single channel though OSC?

    Every time I use /eos/chan/ the values select the channel when I press and when I release a button.

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  • Jayme,

    For most of my layouts I use the /eos/key/1 format to press buttons as if on the console.  When you push a button in TouchOSC it transmits an argument of 1 and when you release it transmits a 0.  This is useful for keys that repeat or need to be held down (like shift).  

    If you want a button to do a whole bunch of stuff you can use the /eos/cmd/x/y/z and build a command line like you would on the console but all in one osc instruction. Just remember that it will still transmit a 1 when pressed and a 0 when released.  This is one of the drawbacks of TouchOSC.  You can change the "range" of the button to get around some of the issues but not all.

    Lemur is another program that you can use to build OSC layouts.  It is more complex to set things up in but you have a much larger toolkit to work with.  You can make buttons that don't transmit arguments at all or just on the release.  You can build popup menus and other complex interfaces.  The caveat to that is it is a steeper learning curve and you have to get into scripting to do some stuff.  Encoders are a nightmare in Lemur.  

    For each button you want to build figure out exactly what it needs to do from the console standpoint.  Try writing a macro to do it in the console.  Now take the steps in the macro and apply that directly to a button in TouchOSC.  Some things will work great and others won't work at all.  

    One other note about TouchOSC.  Copying elements in TouchOSC sucks and you loose all your setup when you do so.  Lemur is better about copying.

    If most of your layouts are supposed to mimic pressing keys on the console use the /eos/key/x format and it should work.  If you are trying to recreate a command line then start with the /eos/cmd/x format and go from there.

    If you ever come across an action you can't seem to do over OSC don't forget about macros.  You can fire macros over OSC and bridge the gap to get what you need done.  I'm a big fan of direct select modules over OSC so I can get labels for the buttons and be able to reuse the buttons for different commands.

  • Not so much done, but doing, with OSC. It's a Raspberry Pi project using pyliblo. I'm having fun learning a lot of open source products from PCB layout to CNC milling and 3D printing.

    I call it Hobo because it's a poor cousin of Nomad. Flying faders with touch sense, encoders, buttons, LED indicators. Most of the code is sketched out. I'm waiting for the PCBs to arrive from China so I can get through soldering, hardware debugging, and assembly. 

    This is what it looks like today.

  • I made this cue light system. current and next cue as well as notes that will change depending on what cue the console is in. 

  • ill give that a try. i was trying to avoid making a crap ton of macros! lol ill see what i can do. thanks for the help!
  • keep me up to date on this! i would love to test out any extra models you make! email: jayme@jimmyp.co