OSC Integration Questions

I am experimenting with getting the EOS to talk to filemaker via OSC and I'm running into some issues. I am very new to this, so it might be simple things. 

I'm using a plugin to send TCP/UDP strings out of filemaker. I'm directing the string (osc text) to go to the console IP on port 3032. I can send UDP commands easily - well, some of them. I can turn channels and groups on and off, fire cues, those things work without any problems.

For the life of me, I can't figure out how to get /eos/set/ commands to work, nor can I get command lines to send. 

I'm wondering if I don't have the syntax right? Assume the label for this cue is "test"

/eos/set/cue/1/1/label=test - "Correct" way using EosSyncDemo

I've found that using this plugin or a packet sender app, I have to add /enter to the ends of my commands. This doesn't seem to work on this one, though. 

I then tried to use a TCP connection instead. In filemaker, I can connect and the eos shows connected in diagnostics, but then my strings aren't arriving. Having the same issue when connecting via Packet Sender. This could be another issue.

So I guess the main question here is what should my syntax be to send UDP strings for the command line or for /set/ commands? What am I missing?

  • in general: UDP strings should go to the port that you set in eos, setup, show, show control (OSC RX port). and the console would send implicit OSC (e.g. current comand line) on OSC TX port. port 3032 is always there and listening for TCP. for TCP you can choose two styles in the shell: OSC 1.0 and OSC 1.1
  • I should rephrase, because it was 4:00am when I originally typed this.

    I'm sending OSC commands via UDP. All my settings are correct, I can get simple things like /eos/chan/1/out/enter to work. But I can't get things to post to a command line nor can I use things like /eos/set/cue/1/1/label=xxxx. Wondering what I'm missin in the syntax for those, and I'm assuming it's something to do with needing the /enter command but no matter where I put that command, it doesn't work.
  • I should rephrase, because it was 4:00am when I originally typed this.

    I'm sending OSC commands via UDP. All my settings are correct, I can get simple things like /eos/chan/1/out/enter to work. But I can't get things to post to a command line nor can I use things like /eos/set/cue/1/1/label=xxxx. Wondering what I'm missin in the syntax for those, and I'm assuming it's something to do with needing the /enter command but no matter where I put that command, it doesn't work.