Broadcasting OSC to .255 from nomad (mac)


Using a mac running nomad 2.3.3 I've noticed that while I can transmit OSC to a specific IP address (say I can't transmit to the broadcast address ( on the same network. Doing this from other applications works fine and I think this worked fine on an ion, so I think it's probably a mac thing.



  • i don't know about mac, but it can also be a "function" of your switch/router to block certain broadcast stuff...
  • It doesn't seem to work from the nomad software. Instead I set it to transmit to (localhost) and run OSCRouter with the following settings:


    Incoming Port: 53000 (or whatever your nomad transmit port is)

    (All other fields of incoming blank — do not set incoming IP to; It doesn't work.)

    Outgoing IP: (or similar broadcast address for your subnet)

    (All other fields of outgoing blank)


    This setup allows me to use both my iPad and iPhone on the local network as control devices.
