OSC Router: Documentation for I/O Path / Remapping?

Really enjoying having OSC Router as a tool to use, so thanks to Chris Mizerak and all involved.

Can anyone point me in the direction of a bit more documentation for the software - I think I'm missing a part of the jigsaw: what I'm looking for is something that details shortcuts and "path" wildcards OSC Router, e.g. for picking up the Q number.

I'm happy to find the answer myself from the documentation if possible, but in case it isn't easily accessible what I'm trying is as follows:

Controlling Qlab from EOS through OSC Router, I know that having Incoming path "/eos/out/event/cue/1/*" and outgoing path "/cue/%6/start" works, but can you tell me is there documentation covering the "%6" string and its use?  Obviously it supplies output with the Q number from the incoming message, but if for instance your incoming path is "/video/*" (with Qs e.g. "/video/20") the %6 in Outgoing path no longer supplies a valid outgoing message "/cue/20/start", rather the error "Unable to remap / invalid replacement".  Have I made a basic mistake, or is /eos/ a special case for OSC Router in how it pulls out the cue number from within the incoming message?  Is there an Incoming path format within OSC that would achieve this (please for the moment ignoring other ways for setting up and sending from EOS to achieve Qlab triggering).

(Incidentally and rather unimportantly the error message has a typo in "Invalid")
Full error something like: "Unable to remap /qlab/20=cue% start invlaid replacement index 6"

If anyone could point me in the right direction I'd be grateful.

