MIDI triggering through multiconsole network

Programming/running a show on the original EOS and need to be able to control a watchout system via midi show control. Unfortunately, there are no show control gateways available and the EOS does not have a midi out. We have access to an ION that does have a midi connection. If we use a multiconsole network, is it possible to continue to program and run the show on the EOS and have the ION trigger Watchout via MSC?

We are using 8 universes on the EOS; for this to work, do I need to worry about the attribute limit on the ION? (It is the house console, and I have not been able to get an answer about its attribute count.)

Thanks for any and all helpful responses. 

  • Local MIDI ports only work on the Primary console, so the Ion would need to be the Primary. As such, you would be limited to the number of patched DMX addresses that the Ion is licensed for. And if the Ion ever handed off control of the system to the Eos, you would lose MIDI  

    You can use addresses in any number of universes, but if you are really using 8 full universes, you would need a 4k output Ion (at least). 

    You might look in to using OSC instead of MSC (if Watchout now supports OSC), or using the DMX input capability of Watchout to trigger cues. 

    Using OSC there are a number of ways to translate to MIDI notes or MSC commands, but they all require extra software (or even an extra computer) and might introduce latency. 

  • Another thought: if you want to get really fancy, you could use OSC from the Eos to trigger the Ion (running a totally separate show file with nothing patched), and then have the Ion trigger Watchout with MSC. 

    Anything is possible...
