OSC for nooobs!

I think I might be in a situation of having to know all about OSC quite soon - and given that I still haven't managed to find time to do anything about finding out about this very useful tool, I could do with a decent 'crash course' primer tutorial or website. OSC for dummies, if you will! Does such a thing exist?

  • i don't know of any such conveniently assembled tutorial.

    what you could do:
    - read up in wikipedia about OSC just so you know what it's all about
    - have a look at the Eos Family Show Control User Guide (download from the Documentation page of the Eos Family lighting console product pages)
    - download sample layouts for touchOSC from ETC's github page
    - download the "one of everything" touchOSC layout from the facebook group's dropbox
    - if you happen to be around for Plasa London, go and visit ETC's OSClympics presentation. it's fun!
    - ask specific questions here or in the facebook group
  • i don't know of any such conveniently assembled tutorial.

    what you could do:
    - read up in wikipedia about OSC just so you know what it's all about
    - have a look at the Eos Family Show Control User Guide (download from the Documentation page of the Eos Family lighting console product pages)
    - download sample layouts for touchOSC from ETC's github page
    - download the "one of everything" touchOSC layout from the facebook group's dropbox
    - if you happen to be around for Plasa London, go and visit ETC's OSClympics presentation. it's fun!
    - ask specific questions here or in the facebook group
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