OSC Feedback not working with Software 2.4

Hi all,

I Updated our Element with the new 2.4 Software.

When I now use OSC on my tablet I get no feedback.

e.g. the Live/Blind lights show nothing - my desk reacts perfekt - just no feedback...

any ideas?

  • could be a few things. What version did you upgrade from? There have been some changes in the show control settings that might affect where the console is sending osc messages. What software are you using on your tablet? OSC is not an app.... TouchOSC? Lemur? oscRFR? I would suggest checking the show control settings first and making sure the correct settings are there. I can't tell you what those would be without knowing what app you are using. The most likely problem is the OSC TX IP address setting. Check to make sure that one points to your tablet.
  • could be a few things. What version did you upgrade from? There have been some changes in the show control settings that might affect where the console is sending osc messages. What software are you using on your tablet? OSC is not an app.... TouchOSC? Lemur? oscRFR? I would suggest checking the show control settings first and making sure the correct settings are there. I can't tell you what those would be without knowing what app you are using. The most likely problem is the OSC TX IP address setting. Check to make sure that one points to your tablet.