Documentation of console event handler strings?

I'm sending commands to the console via UDP strings. According to the Show Control guide any string that starts with a $ is sent as a command line and any string that doesn't is sent to the console's event handler. Command lines are well documented in the console's user manual, but is there any documentation of the allowable event handler commands? There are a few examples in the Show Control guide but it definitely doesn't seem to be an exhaustive list, it is missing some commands I know I want, and the parameters are not very well explained (I have even noticed differences between EOS 2.3 and 2.4). I was able to discover a few more using the macro editor or the diagnostics log. But I can't tell any pattern to determine the "right" way of sending these commands.

Some specific questions:

  1. The back button wasn't documented but I was able to find it as Back_CueList 1. Is there any way to do a Stop/Back command like the button does (or like /eos/key/stop does over OSC)?
  2. What's the difference between "Go 1" and "Cue 1". Go 1 is documented as "fire playback 1" and Cue 1 is documented as "fire pending cue from list 2"? Does it really mean list 1 or is it somehow 0-indexed? Other than that, is there a difference between "playback 1" and "list 1"?
  3. Is there any difference between the commands in the Show Control guide "Go 1", "Stop 1" and the ones I see the buttons send in the diagnostics log "Go_CueList 1", "Stop_CueList 1"? Is one form preferred over the other?

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