Show control command to load a show file?

Is there any way to open a specific show file via a show control command (UDP string or OSC)? I have a few different shows each with their own lighting file. Since the cues are fired by number by my show control system, I don't want it firing cues from the wrong file. Ideally when someone changes the show through the show controller, it would automatically load the right matching file in my lighting console so my operator doesn't have to remember to manually change shows in the lighting console as well. Since the show control settings are inside the show file I'm guessing that opening/saving files is probably at a higher level than what the string commands can control. However, I only have these few shows and one of them will always be loaded and they all have the same show control settings, so it would be nice to be able to send a command to switch between them.

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  • I considered that option. Working with multiple cue lists in a single file can get kind of messy. I guess I have to decided which is more of a pain, having to keep track of which show is which numbered cue list, making sure to release other lists so only one is in control at a time, and having to be careful when programming with multiple lists, or requiring my operators to switch shows in two places.
  • The new options in 2.4.0 and higher make all of this much simpler. In my opinion switching show files is much more difficult as any system changes need to be updated in multiple places. 

    With reference or auto marking, there should be no problems switching between lists. You can also make a cue before your first cue that contains all channels at zero and homed, which will force cuelist ownership when you play back that cue.

     If you are concerned about storing into the wrong list, I would recommend looking into cue list partitions. You could easily use macros to change the partitions to ensure your lists are protected when you aren't working on them. 

  • When using OSC control or magic sheet commands you can use "open_file" which corresponds to the "OPENFILE" internal Eos command (It's from the document I linked in another of your posts: I have never used it personally and I don't have any documentation on the syntax, but it might be a solution. It might require you to simulate arrow keys and could get messy but it might do what you want. I have found the best way to experiment is using a command button on a magic sheet. Maybe you could do some experimenting here and let us know how you go?
  • Using OSC command /eos/key/open_file it brought up the confirmation dialog that I could confirm with /eos/key/enter, but I couldn't figure out how to specify the file I wanted. No matter what argument I passed it tried to just reopen the file that was currently open.