Hi; I would like create in a magic sheet a button that its function is "zoom in selection".

Can someone help me with it. Thanks.

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  • Here's some more detail to my first post.

    Try this:

    -Looking at your Magic Sheet in Live, manually zoom into the area of the Magic Sheet you wish to be "zoomed in" to.
    -Click on the gear icon in the lower left of the Magic Sheet Tab and select Add View and take note of the Magic Sheet # and View # in the command line.
    -Open the Magic Sheet's editor, select a symbol you wish to use as the "zoom" button.
    -Make the symbol's target Magic Sheet and Target ID #/#
    -Close the editor returning you back to Live, zoom out, and test.

  • I try to explaine myself better:
    For example, I want to see Channel 1 expanded on my magic sheet.
    For make this, click on the gear icon in the lower left of the Magic Sheet Tab and select Live MS"#" and "zoom to selection". Then, I would like put this order in a button in the Magic Sheet "#".
  • Oh...I see. I wish I could help.
    Your first post was "zoom in selection", but you're looking for Zoom To Selection. I got confused.

    I tried learning a Macro to see if I could get it to work, but to no avail. I agree with sk8rs. I don't think this is possible either.

    Just for curiosity's sake, why do you wish to do this? I'm guessing it's not just one particular channel or groups of channels you wish to zoom?
