Event times in Ext Links column of cue list?

I'm running a show on a Eos where most of the cues are triggered via MIDI time code system via Qlab. That bit all works great. What I would like to do is get the event times for each cue in the Ext Links column of the cue list so I can see what has an allocated time (and what it is) and which are manual. Is this possible??


  • Are you just trying to get the time code stamps to show up in the PSD Ext. Links column?  You have to link the cue list to a specific timecode events list so the console knows which timestamps to display.  To do that, type [Cue][1][/]{Execute}{Time Code}[1][Enter]

    Where "Cue 1/" is your cue list number, and "Time Code 1" is your Show Control Events List number.

    Hope that helps.

  • Are you just trying to get the time code stamps to show up in the PSD Ext. Links column?  You have to link the cue list to a specific timecode events list so the console knows which timestamps to display.  To do that, type [Cue][1][/]{Execute}{Time Code}[1][Enter]

    Where "Cue 1/" is your cue list number, and "Time Code 1" is your Show Control Events List number.

    Hope that helps.

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