Getting Sub Labels Via OSC

Hi Guys,

I'm trying to get sub labels via OSC and I thought I was doing everything correct but it doesn't work. ;(  

So I'm sending OSC to another computer where it is printing the output of the OSC messages it gets. I am also running WireShark on the computer which is running the Nomad software to see whats inside the packets.

I have a Sub with a label called HelloWorld. This affects fixture 1 and 2, turning the up to full.

I then have a button which I press on a MagicSheet with the command 'Local:/eos/fader/config/1/10' which as far as I'm concerned should output every label of the first 10 subs.

When I click the button both the diagnostics output and Wireshark show that the OSC is being outputted however no labels are being included in the string section of the OSC message. Diagnostic Output (Left) vs WireShark Output For Packet (Right).

Here are my show settings currently. 

Am I doing something wrong or is this a problem with EOS?

Thanks Guys! :)
